Saturday, September 25, 2010

Kudos for Finals Webcast!

Nothing but kudos from here about the wonderful Finals webcast today!

My old and slow computer got an upgrade to its guts last night -- I very carefully opened it up on the kitchen table and added memory -- so the webcast worked just fine this morning. The dogs woke me up at 5 AM; I tried to go back to sleep but suddenly realized, hey, it's 8 AM in Virginia! I was so pleased to find out that my scary computer work had done the trick.

I can't imagine that there is possibly one blog reader who doesn't have the link for the Sunday finals, but here goes, just in case:

USBCHA National Finals Streaming Video Link

It's hot-hot-hot the dogs got just one quick work apiece after another run to the feed store for hay. Now back to chores put off due to streaming video!

Good luck to all the competitors in the Sunday finals and a special shout-out to our trainer, Bill B. and his fine dog, Mike, for getting into the final round.

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