Sunday, March 13, 2011

Many Hands

It takes many hands to create a sheepdog trial. A ranch needs to be transformed into a trial field, and in this case, two complete trial fields. Before anyone steps to the post, a lot of work goes into preparation. Just as the dogs have been trained for a couple of years, and the handlers have studied and practiced, the venue for the trial is groomed and prepped. Those who have helped create this transformation over the course of many years all know their jobs. It helps when there is a beautiful day to do that work!

The barn has been all swept and the stalls cleaned for vendors to set up
Supplies are gathered
A door is to be painted
Tarping the setout pen for the flat field
Almost complete
Catching a ride over to the hill field
Assembly line on the hill field

Using the filter fabric made tarping much easier
Discussing strategies!
Tarping complete!
Peaceful ranch that next weekend will be the scene of much activity!

Photos by T. Tucker - thanks once again!

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