Since then I put the boys back on raw food until January of this year and then we started using half raw and half kibble. With the addition of Spot and coinciding with more self-imposed budget cuts and the ever-skyrocketing price of food, we are using probably two-thirds kibble now. Much of it has been purchased online from Chewy. I have been really happy with their service. It takes about a week for the product to arrive from PA but if I planned for that it was no problem. They had great prices on the foods I am using, Fromm and Nutrisource grain-free.
A couple of weeks ago, Chewy asked me if I would review some treats for them on my blog. I said, "sure". They sent me a bag of Orijen duck dog treats. I don't use many dog treats any more since I am not training agility or obedience any more. The boys get a biscuit (normally a lowly Milk-Bone) when they get into their crates at bed time and other times rarely, just because. Ryme is really picky and won't eat fancy organic treats. So I just buy Milk Bones-- I figure everyone needs a little junk food treat now and then! But, I have several friends who feed Orijen dog food; I know it is the Cadillac of dog foods right now...I would use it if not for the high cost. I know they make good products and I have used them in the past. So the boys got to try the Orijen duck dog treats as soon as they arrived.
Ryme would be the ultimate test of the Orijen duck treats. The other three dogs inhaled them. Ryme took his and chewed and swallowed. He liked them. Everyone liked them. Bedtime was a very happy time for the dogs!
These treats are expensive though. $7.99 for 2 ounces. But if you are into that sort of thing... I suppose they are worth it because they seem to be extremely palatable.
Overall I think Chewy gives great service and has competitive prices on dog foods. I don't know if their prices on treats are competitive. But my dogs sure did like those duck treats. Too bad the boys won't be getting more...unless Chewy sends us some more to review! Humm maybe I should email and say we need more raw data to make a decision......