As usual Ryme spit his out the first time (as he does with anything new) but once he'd had a chance to check these out, he liked these treats (but not as much as his favorite Milk Bones - ugh!). The other boys really liked these Fromm treats. Normally they each get one when they go into their crates at night. They "put themselves to bed" knowing that a goodie is on its way!
Chewy has been very nice to work with on this sample tasting program. The boys have had a chance to try out some different things that I might not have purchased otherwise.
Some of the dog folks have not yet heard about how great the Fromm products are, in general, so it gives me a chance to say how pleased I am with their products! We use several of their dog food choices including the Classic (which is a chicken and rice dry dog food), the Gold (their mid-level food which is very good and the ingredient list starts off with duck and chicken I believe) and recently I tried Chiefie on the Pork and Applesauce from their Four-Star line. I have been happy with any of the Fromm products that we have tried this year. Fromm has a large variety of choices as far as protein bases, grain or no grain, and so forth. It's a family owned company that manufactures its own products. Highly recommended. If you like to order your pet products, Chewy's service is very good too and they carry almost everything.
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