Monday, February 6, 2012

RESDA Annual Meeting 2012

Saturday was the RESDA (Redwood Empire Sheepdog Association) Annual Meeting in Santa Rosa. Members attend this meeting once a year (or send a proxy to a Board member) in order to set up committee assignments, to be in the running for the year-end high point trophy, and to set the trial schedule for the year. Judges' assignments are drawn out of a hat for the season, plans are made, issues are ironed out. Sometimes the meeting goes on for several hours because there is just a heck of a lot of ground to cover in one session. This year was no exception, but the overall mood was cooperative. Lots of good discussion was carried out and compromises were made. There were some new members attending their first year of RESDA events, and there were some treasured handlers in attendance who have been loyal club members for forty years or more, and everything inbetween. The RESDA club dates back to 1947.

The 2012 RESDA schedule is posted. 

Hope to see everyone at the Fairs and the other trials.

Shutting the pen gate with Coal at the Mendocino Fair eliminations trial, 2011 (photo by T. Tucker)

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