The name of this blog comes from the book that we have good intentions about writing, about escapades of border collies and sheep....that are memorable enough to be called "one for the book". It will also contain memories and updates of dogs, sheep and people, past and present. Please do not copy photos, videos, or text from this blog without permission. All material is (c) copyright.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Calgary, Canada - Animal Services Program that Works!
Those in Southern California can actually go and listen!
Friday, May 29, 2009
SB250 Crunch Time!
Contribute financially to PetPAC if you can; Bill Hemby has faithfully been at every one of these legislative showdowns and has made a difference for all of us.
Certainly call or fax your Senator and as many of the other Senators as you can. Many folks feel that the Senators should be giving our state budget their undivided attention and not even consider bills like SB250 at this time.
California SB250, mandatory spay/neuter for dogs and cats, passed in the Senate Appropriations Committee on May 28. It now moves to the full state Senate, which will be voting on it sometime during the week of June 1. The 2nd reading rule was waived, meaning that SB 250 could be voted on as early as Monday.
It is imperative that Californians contact their state senator immediately and ask them to oppose Senate Bill 250. Faxes can be sent and phone messages can be left over the weekend. We need a much larger response, from many more Californians, to stop this bill. Clubs, associations, businesses, and other organizations also need to act quickly. Please act! Here’s what you can do:
· The quickest way for individual Californians to send an opposition email or compose a letter to their own state senator is with the updated NAIA action alert. It just takes a few minutes.
· call the capital office of your state senator and ask him or her to oppose SB 250. Your senator’s capital office phone number can be found here. It takes less than a minute to make the call. Leave a voice message if no one answers. Politely say:
“I’m Joe Smith, I’m from Bigtown California, and I’m asking Senator Wilson to vote NO on SB 250, mandatory spay/neuter for dogs and cats.
· call the capital office of Senator Steinberg (the leader of the senate) at 916-651-4006 and ask him to oppose SB 250 as indicated above.
· fax a letter to your state senator and to Senator Steinberg. Use the NAIA letter writing tool or else our template for policy or fiscal arguments against the bill. The senators’ fax numbers are here.
· talk to your friends, co-workers, and club members and ask all of them to oppose SB 250. Send them to this site for instructions.
· convince your clubs, rescue groups, businesses, and associations to oppose SB 250
Monday, May 25, 2009
Memorial Day 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
I've rearranged the blog a little bit as a first step.
Thanks once again to all who have been so supportive and understanding following Bid's illness and passing.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Missing Bid
The other three dogs are a huge help. I don't know how I'd get through this without Chief, Coal and little Rime.
Thanks once again to all.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
A Tribute to Bid
(updated version)
Lovingly prepared by our friend Bob P. who has Bid's brother Zack...
Thank you Bob and all who have responded with such an outpouring of love.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Mother's Day Weekend
We returned home from that trial to find Bid extremely ill at home. He is currently still in the hospital, and very, very sick. There is no diagnosis as yet. I would like to thank all the folks who have been so supportive regarding his illness. It's shocking to deal with and the support from others really helps.
Sunday's sheepdog trial went much better. Coal was back in good form and despite the distraction of his handler (me worrying about Bid being in the hospital) we managed to put in two good runs. The Pro-Novice run included a Maltese Cross in between the drive and the pen. That made it sort of fun and interesting and not just the usual ho-hum Pro-Novice course. The trial was sociable, with a Mother's Day potluck held under shady restful trees at the Spencer farm. The company was grand and the food delicious.
Then after lunch Coal and I ran in the Nursery class. He put in another good run, and we were communicating about everything well, except for those darn pesky fetch panels. His outrun still needs to be improved, but I was thrilled to see him run out with purpose on both runs. We did not do the cross in the Nursery class but went straight to the pen from the drive in the traditional manner. However, the time was shortened by two minutes so I was concerned about making the time, which we did. I thought for sure we would have gotten second in the class so when the awards were handed out, I was truly floored to hear that Coal had won. He's been such a good boy and we've both worked hard for a year and a half towards this goal. I would like to thank his breeder Wendy for believing in me to send him out here so far away from her. I also need to thank Bill Berhow for having faith in us and encouraging me every step of the way as our trainer.
On the sad side, it was also two years ago this weekend that I had to let Augie go. That made the weekend even more emotional. Augie is still very much missed.
SB250 - Encouraging News!
ZERO supporters spoke on behalf of SB 250, while 5 opponents spoke against it. Opponents’ testimony, follow-up Q&A kicked off by Senator Runner, and responses by a CA Dept. of Finance representative all made the case that SB 250 would be costly to California’s state and local governments. By the rules, SB 250 went into the Suspense File because the committee concurs that it will cost the state at least $150,000. Great job!
A bill can be brought out of “Suspense” with as little as two days notice and voted on by the committee, or it can remain in Suspense and just die there. Our job now is to make sure it stays in Suspense and dies. Politically, that is the easiest way for the majority party to kill a bill sponsored by one of their own, since there is no up or down vote.
Thanks to all who helped. Please follow through with the directions on the Save Our Dogs website and also be sure to thank Senators Cox and Runner.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Coal Wins in Nursery!
Coal took first in the Nursery class yesterday, as well as third in the Pro-Novice class (two separate runs) at the Point Pleasant Mother's Day sheepdog trial, Elk Grove, CA. I hope to get the breakdown on the scores later.
Thanks to the Spencer family for another fine trial and enjoyable weekend with friends and family.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Bill Analysis - SB 250
We encourage you to read all of it and take action by contacting the Senate Appropriations committee. The last paragraph of the analysis is really important so I am quoting it here:
We fail to see the point of this bill. There is no action that is currently legal that SB250 makes illegal. All it appears to accomplish is give local animal control the power to forcibly spay/neuter as many dogs as possible. What it does do is make responsible pet owners afraid of their local animal control agency. This will reduce licensing compliance. It will increase the cost of enforcement. Fewer dogs will be adopted because the public will avoid contact with the shelters. More dogs will be impounded. More dogs will be killed. SB250, The Pet Owner Punishment Act, just kills dogs.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
SB 250-What Can We Expect?
"So, what can we expect?
Appropriations can do one of three things:
1) They can hear the bill and vote it up or down. This is a 13 member committee, so it takes 7 to pass or fail.
2) They can assume the bill will have mandated state costs and refer it to their “Suspense” calendar to await a judgment by the leadership of both parties on which bills should survive and which should die. This determination is supposedly made after all bills that cost money are collected and a decision is made as to which are the most important to pass.
3) The chair of the committee can arbitrarily decide SB 250 does not contain state mandated costs and take the bill off the agenda and send it directly on to the Senate floor. That procedure is called 28.8. If you remember, that is what happened to AB 1634, even though the Department of Finance reported considerable mandated costs.
Two things to consider. The Appropriations Committee chair is Senator Kehoe. She voted for SB 250 in its first policy committee. She voted for AB 1634 in policy committee also.
SB 250 author, Senator Dean Florez, is the Senate Majority Leader, one of the Senate’s bosses.
My guess? SB 250 will bypass Senate Appropriations and 28.8 out.
What can you do?
Appropriations will try to shut us out, like they did to us with AB 1634.
Write members of Senate Appropriations and ask them to hear SB 250 because of its hidden mandated costs. If members of the committee put pressure on the chair, she might relent and have the bill heard.
Start writing, emailing, calling and faxing members of the Senate Appropriations committee right now. Call, Call, Fax, Fax, email, email. Don't Stop.
You want the bill heard. You want the bill defeated.
There are 9 million dog and cat owners in California why do they want to make them potential criminals?
With a $40 billion deficit, why do lawmakers want to take on more mandated costs?
It is legislation like SB 250 that turns citizens against its legislature. When legislators listen to their party leaders over their constituents, it is no surprise their approval rating is dropping like a stone.
Why does Senator Florez want to kill more dogs and cats?
The Senate Appropriations Committee analysis will NOT list support and opposition, so concerned owners and breeders are encouraged to communicate with their own Senator and the members of the Senate Appropriations Committee.
What You Can Do
Write, Call, Email or Fax your opposition to SB 250 to Senate Appropriations Committee members and ask your club to do the same.
Ask your club to allow PetPAC to list them by club name as official opponents."
Oppose California SB250
From the Save Our Dogs website:
SB 250 is scheduled for a hearing and possible vote in the California Senate Appropriations Committee on May 11. Please take the following steps:
- Call the senators on the Appropriations Committee and ask them to oppose SB 250
- Write to the senators on the Appropriations Committee
- Talk to your friends, co-workers, and club members and ask them to oppose SB 250. Send them to the Save Our Dogs website for instructions.
- Convince your clubs, rescue groups, businesses, and associations to oppose SB 250
The links to lists of the Committee members, their phone and fax numbers, and sample letter templates are all available on the Save Our Dogs website.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
An Improbable and Exciting Derby Day!
In news closer to home, the dogs and I have a new ride!